2010-02-12 16-49-26
Rachel with Charlotte
2010-12-25 09-58-22
Rachel feeding Charlotte
2010-02-12 16-49-18
Rachel with Charlotte
2014-08-04 19-16-06
Rachel reading to Charlotte
2014-02-23 15-00-022
National MudSlide Day 2014
2017-09-23 15-46-12
Rachel on Mt Ruapehu
2017-09-23 15-46-10
Rachel on Mt Ruapehu
2018-07-20 20-37-46
Rachel & Charlotte
2011-11-11 19-46-19
Charlotte getting ready for bed with Mummy at Group Camp
2015-12-24 11-26-44
Rob, Rachel, Charlotte & Eddie at Kelly Tarlton's
2010-11-20 15-58-44
Charlotte & Rachel out Geocaching
2015-02-14 16-22-02
Charlotte opening presents at her pool party
2013-02-11 14-22-57
Charlotte, Tachel, Nicholas & Eddie getting ready to give out gifts at Nicholas's kindy leaving celebration
2020-11-27 20-04-281
Charlotte & Rachel
2019-08-12 20-00-33
Rachel cutting her birthday cake