2008-05-26 21-42-07
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-05-26 21-42-21
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-05-26 21-42-31
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-10-05 10-48-41
Nicholas, Eddie and Rachel riding Eddies 'Plane'
2009-01-15 18-37-20
Nicholas playing with a beer bottle at the VHF Group committee barbeque
2010-02-12 16-54-45
The newly expanded wallace family (Rachel, Rob, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas)
2012-03-11 10-53-41
Singing happy birthday to Eddie
2012-03-11 10-53-51
Eddie blowing out the candles on his cake
2013-07-27 12-18-01
Nicholas, Rachel, Eddie & Charlotte taking a train ride at the Steam Incorporated open day
2013-07-27 12-18-12
Nicholas, Rachel, Eddie & Charlotte taking a train ride at the Steam Incorporated open day
2013-07-27 12-18-13
Nicholas, Rachel, Eddie & Charlotte taking a train ride at the Steam Incorporated open day
2013-07-27 13-13-56
Rob, Rachel, Eddie, Charlotte & Nicholas on a train ride at the Steam Incorporated open day
2015-01-09 15-05-11
Eddie, Nicholas & Rachel out Geocaching on the South Coast
2020-07-06 18-03-02
Nicholas, Eddie & Rachel
2020-12-23 12-50-38
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay