2018-05-06 12-52-26
Hutt Valley Gang Show Gold Scarf
2018-05-27 15-48-55
Gang Show rehersal as Belmont
2018-06-10 09-26-20
Gang Show rehersal at Brookfield
2018-06-10 09-28-04
Gang Show rehersal at Brookfield
2018-07-15 13-16-02
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-16-16
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-17-02
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-17-15
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-18-16
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-18-23
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-18-59
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-19-06
Acting exercises
2018-07-15 13-19-15
Acting exercises
2018-08-11 10-10-56
Backstage and production teams being trees at the back
2018-08-11 10-11-02
Backstage and production teams being trees at the back