2002-08-14 22-27-26
Tina, Rachel, and Jarrad painting the posh parlour
2002-08-14 22-27-43
Tracy making clouds
2002-08-14 22-27-59
Rachel taking a break from painting
2002-08-31 08-30-42
Breakfast on saturday
2002-08-31 08-42-07
Washing up from breakfast
2002-08-31 08-58-31
Cast heading over to rehersal
2002-08-31 09-02-35
2002-08-31 09-04-36
2002-08-31 09-14-52
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-15-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-21-58
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-31-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-34-39
Brendon and Euan playing with the video camera
2002-08-31 09-37-31
Some of the younger cast members playing on the tyre swing
2002-08-31 09-39-11
Some of the girls watching from the back