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2009-03-11 19-26-31
Eddie wearing Mummies boots
2009-03-11 19-26-43
Eddie wearing Mummies boots
2009-03-11 19-27-46
Eddie the 'Horse' wearing Mummies boots and Daddies shoes
2009-03-11 19-28-14
Eddie the 'Horse' wearing Mummies boots and Daddies shoes
2009-03-11 19-28-37
Eddie the 'Horse' wearing Mummies boots and Daddies shoes
2009-03-14 14-13-06
Eddie and his birthday cake
2009-03-14 14-13-21
Eddie and his birthday cake
2009-03-14 14-13-29
Eddie blowing out the candles on his birthday cake
2009-03-16 17-03-58
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-04-12
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-04-20
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-04-39
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-05-04
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-05-12
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.
2009-03-16 17-06-50
Nicholas feeding himself pears out of the can on the table.