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2017-12-03 11-51-20
The boysenberries are progressing well
2017-12-03 12-01-34
The boysenberries are progressing well
2017-12-03 16-17-48
A BBQ cover made from advertising banners
2017-12-03 16-18-11
A BBQ cover made from advertising banners
2017-12-03 18-04-42
Nicholas helping Daddy make a box
2017-12-03 20-56-25
Dawn & Trix
2017-12-03 21-04-32
Dawn in a box
2017-12-03 21-33-14
Trix on the windowsill
2017-12-04 06-50-55
Ligth through the clouds in Wellingotn
2017-12-05 17-58-12
The hatchlings at four weeks old
2017-12-07 17-58-18
Eddie on the bus to the Otari School year 8 farewell dinner
2017-12-07 20-51-45
Trix on the windowsill
2017-12-09 16-34-51
The hatchlings at four weeks old
2017-12-09 16-51-58
Baby chicken poking through mother hen's feathers
2017-12-09 16-56-31
Baby chicken poking through mother hen's feathers