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2020-10-03 14-29-00
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-31-55
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-33-11
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-35-21
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-35-22
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-35-23
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-35-38
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-36-00
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-36-01
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-36-041
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-36-042
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-36-09
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-10-03 14-42-08
Nicholas taking his ceiling down
2020-12-12 17-00-2
Nicholas using the gib lifter int he lounge
2020-12-12 17-00-39
Nicholas playing with the gib lifter
2020-12-12 17-00-54
Nicholas playing with the gib lifter
2020-12-17 21-34-01
New gib in the lounge