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2010-02-12 16-50-12
Rachel and Eddie with Charlotte
2010-02-12 16-50-21
Rachel and Eddie with Charlotte
2010-02-12 16-50-23
Rachel and Eddie with Charlotte
2010-02-12 16-54-40
The newly expanded wallace family (Rachel, Rob, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas)
2010-02-12 16-54-43
The newly expanded wallace family (Rachel, Rob, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas)
2010-02-12 16-54-45
The newly expanded wallace family (Rachel, Rob, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas)
2010-03-08 12-02-32
Eddies group hug on his last day at kindy
2010-03-11 20-26-01
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-26-27
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-26-32
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-26-39
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-26-57
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-27-12
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-11 20-27-15
Eddie giving Charlote a cuddle
2010-03-19 19-52-54
Eddie giving Charlotte a cuddle