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2010-06-05 15-42-13
Rachel, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas on the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-42-27
Rachel, Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas on the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-43-09
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-43-18
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-43-29
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-43-36
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-43-41
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 15-46-07
Views from the flume bridge at the Kaitoke water works.
2010-06-05 17-00-43
The Black stump cache
2010-06-05 17-00-55
The Black stump cache
2011-03-05 11-37-58
A Rimu tree with a Rata growing up it.
2011-03-05 14-57-25
A log int he river
2011-03-06 09-50-08
Eddie and Jasper being invested as Keas by Jane at group camp at Kaitoke
2011-03-06 09-50-18
Eddie and Jasper being invested as Keas by Jane at group camp at Kaitoke
2011-03-06 09-50-50
Eddie and Jasper being invested as Keas by Jane at group camp at Kaitoke