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2006-06-17 20-32-05
Edward wearing Dad's headphones
2006-06-17 20-32-11
Edward wearing Dad's headphones
2006-06-17 20-31-46
Edward wearing Dad's headphones
2006-06-17 20-31-54
Edward wearing Dad's headphones
2010-03-06 20-50-25
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2010-03-06 20-49-16
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2010-03-06 20-49-18
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2010-03-06 20-49-26
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2006-07-27 20-39-17
Edweard playing with the camera bag
2010-03-06 20-49-24
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2010-03-06 20-49-23
Daddy and Eddie sitting on the bed
2005-10-20 04-44-13
Rob and Edward
2005-10-20 04-44-27
Rob and Edward