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2002-03-02 00-28-30
Lynda Reading
2002-03-02 08-50-24
Bill reading the paper
2002-03-02 08-50-58
Bill talking
2002-10-26 11-12-25
Daniel sorting out his comics
2002-10-27 10-05-01
Bill making funny faces
2002-10-27 10-20-46
Bills mohawk while Rachel was cutting his hair
2002-12-26 05-44-56
Sunrise in Clive
2002-12-26 05-45-28
Sunrise in Clive
2008-02-28 17-38-57
Edward showing Daniel his flower
2008-02-28 17-39-06
Edward sniffing his flower
2008-03-01 13-50-11
Edward with the sauce sandwich he made
2008-03-01 13-50-23
Edward with the sauce sandwich he made
2008-03-01 13-50-38
Julie holding Nicholas
2008-03-01 13-59-44
Toby and Freda who is holding Nicholas
2010-12-24 17-02-23
Lynda an Charotte playing