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2015-10-03 18-35-11
Charlotte being cute by Nana's lettterbox.
2015-10-03 18-35-20
Charlotte being cute by Nana's letterbox.
2015-10-03 18-35-25
Charlotte by Nana's letterbox.
2020-10-25 20-51-09
Charlotte wearing a hat
2010-12-25 09-58-36
Rachel feeding Charlotte
2016-01-02 08-44-39
Charlotte modeling her tie dyed shirt
2010-12-24 17-20-44
Mummy helping Charlotte walk
2019-01-19 19-50-38
Charlotte playing in the mud at Nanna's house
2018-12-26 13-01-28
Charlotte & Lynda in the garden
2010-12-24 17-02-23
Lynda an Charotte playing
2018-06-02 13-03-50
Nicholas mowing Nana's lawn
2010-12-24 17-22-11
Charotte playing
2010-12-24 17-22-18
Charotte playing
2016-07-19 13-18-071
Decorating cupcakes
2010-12-24 17-20-46
Mummy helping Charlotte walk