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2008-02-12 01-43-30
Nicholas & Rachel just after his birth
2008-02-12 01-47-29
Nicholas & Rachel just after his birth
2008-02-12 05-22-07
Rachel & Nicholas just after his birth
2008-02-12 14-32-44
Rachel cuddling Nicholas
2008-02-12 14-33-40
Rachel holding Nicholas with Edward looking on
2008-02-12 14-33-41
Rachel holding Nicholas with Edward looking on
2008-02-12 14-33-42
Rachel holding Nicholas with Edward looking on
2008-02-15 19-09-12
Rachel cuddling Nicholas
2008-02-20 17-26-43
Nicholas on Mums knee - taken by Eddie
2008-02-20 17-26-49
Nicholas on Mums knee - taken by Eddie
2008-05-26 21-42-07
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-05-26 21-42-21
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-05-26 21-42-31
Eddie, Rachel and Nicholas cuddled up in bed
2008-07-06 15-07-51
Rachel and Don (holding Nicholas) doing a puzzel together
2008-07-13 14-33-34
Rachel, Eddie and Nicholas walking up Johnsons Hill