2002-08-31 09-42-30
Lynne waiting for her turn
2002-08-31 18-11-22
Ross Jordan AKA Dave
2002-08-31 16-25-58
Dave between sessions
2002-08-31 17-16-38
Dave going for a drive
2002-08-31 08-42-07
Washing up from breakfast
2002-08-31 16-25-40
Dave between sessions
2002-08-31 09-49-18
Dave filling in time with Pip in the background
2002-08-31 09-31-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-21-58
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-15-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-34-39
Brendon and Euan playing with the video camera
2002-08-31 09-37-31
Some of the younger cast members playing on the tyre swing
2002-08-31 16-25-18
Dave between sessions
2002-08-31 08-30-42
Breakfast on saturday
2002-08-31 09-02-35