2017-12-11 21-46-37
Charlotte with the hat that Eddie put on her while she was sleeping
2017-12-11 08-45-18
The box that Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-08-30
The boxes that Eddie & Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-08-51
The boxes that Eddie & Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-09-06
The boxes that Eddie & Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-09-24
The box that Eddie built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-09-52
The box that Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-10-03
The box that Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 07-10-14
The box that Nicholas built with Daddy
2017-12-12 00-05-05
The box that Eddie built with Daddy
2017-12-14 18-09-25
Singing at the Otari School year 8 farewell
2017-12-14 18-57-57
Eddie giving his speech at the Otari School year 8 farewell
2017-12-14 18-58-01
Eddie giving his speech at the Otari School year 8 farewell
2017-12-14 20-23-52
Plenty of brambles with boysenberries and blackberries
2017-12-14 20-27-03
The cherry tree had such nice cherries the birds ate all but one