2018-08-06 18-33-27
See no evil, say no evil, hear no evil and Kea no evil
2018-08-08 00-54-01
Home grown mushrooms
2018-08-09 07-04-00
Cloud in the valley
2018-08-09 07-04-10
Cloud in the valley
2018-08-09 17-39-32
Home grown mushrooms
2018-08-09 19-31-24
Charlotte being invested into Cubs
2018-08-09 20-51-15
Dawn in her box
2018-08-09 20-51-17
Dawn in her box
2018-08-09 20-51-24
Dawn in her box
2018-08-11 10-10-56
Backstage and production teams being trees at the back
2018-08-11 10-11-02
Backstage and production teams being trees at the back
2018-08-11 11-01-26
A Kereru in a tre at Brookfield
2018-08-11 11-01-40
A Kereru in a tre at Brookfield
2018-08-11 11-58-41
Kylie sitting in the sun while prompting
2018-08-11 14-42-48
Thye drama team resting in the sun