2019-07-22 09-11-04
Sun shining off the Met Office (Weather Gods)
2019-07-23 19-04-17
Nicholas getting invested at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-04-51
Nicholas getting invested at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-04-57
Nicholas getting invested at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-04-59
Nicholas getting invested at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-05-06
Nicholas getting invested at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-37-39
Macaroni race at Scouts
2019-07-23 19-37-47
Macaroni race at Scouts
2019-07-27 15-30-18
Dirt etc that came out of the drain
2019-07-27 15-30-39
The drain after being cleaned out
2019-07-28 11-35-07
The chicken house