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2018-01-15 15-49-41
Eddie, Nicholas, Rob & Charlotte eating icecreams while out roller blaning
2018-01-15 15-49-40
Eddie, Nicholas, Rob & Charlotte eating icecreams while out roller blaning
2018-01-15 14-53-42
Nicholas & Eddie out roller blading
2018-01-22 09-33-29 to 2018-01-22 09-33-48
Looking out over the sea from the Paekakariki Escarpment track
2018-01-15 15-51-59
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte eating icecreams while out roller blaning
2018-01-27 13-39-22
Eddie at the VHF Group picnic
2018-01-19 20-44-02
Charlotte holding Dawn
2018-01-22 09-33-48
Looking out over the sea from the Paekakariki Escarpment track
2018-01-27 15-41-16
Rob ZL2WAL bike mobile at the VHF Group Picnic
2018-01-26 19-01-40
Charlotte with glow in the dark vampire teeth
2018-01-22 09-33-42
Looking out over the sea from the Paekakariki Escarpment track
2018-01-22 09-33-29
Looking out over the sea from the Paekakariki Escarpment track
2018-01-26 19-01-38
Charlotte with glow in the dark vampire teeth
2018-01-22 09-43-17
Looking towards Pukerua Bay from the Paekakariki Escarpment track
2018-01-22 09-33-36
Looking out over the sea from the Paekakariki Escarpment track