2019-04-25 05-22-25
Charlotte, NIcholas, Eddie & Robready for Dawn Parade
2019-04-25 05-22-18
Charlotte, NIcholas, Eddie & Robready for Dawn Parade
2019-04-23 17-29-48
Eddie enjoying his punishment - stacking the dryer on top of the washing machine
2019-04-27 20-43-312
2019-04-06 15-16-59
Cleaning out the northland quatermasters store
2019-04-06 15-13-24
Room to swing a cat in the now tidy Northland quatermasters store
2019-04-06 15-13-32
Room to swing a cat in the now tidy Northland quatermasters store
2019-04-27 20-43-311
2019-04-26 17-25-03
Charlotte in the evening sun
2020-04-26 10-54-35
Trix on the car
2019-04-25 14-36-13
The completed bunny cage
2020-04-26 10-55-57
Trix on the car
2019-04-13 19-07-02
Nicholas enjoying a slice from the apple off our tree
2020-04-29 23-34-27
Sourdough starter
2019-04-25 06-49-36
Police protection at the 2019 ANZAC Day Dawn Service