2019-05-05 10-29-46
Camping in the lounge
2019-05-05 10-30-44
Charlotte & Judith on eating breakfast on the trampoline
2019-05-09 09-17-43
Autumn colours in the Wellington Botanical Gardens
2019-05-12 18-02-16
The wall lignings stripped in Charlotte's room
2019-05-12 18-02-52
The wall lignings stripped in Charlotte's room
2019-05-12 18-05-021
2019-05-12 18-05-022
2019-05-18 10-07-04
A winter strawberry from our garden
2019-05-18 11-21-09
The firs fejoa from our tree
2019-05-20 17-03-25
Insulation in Charlotte's room
2019-05-21 20-05-54
Clouds over the hills at Night
2019-05-23 08-41-11
A winter large winter egg from one of our chickens
2019-05-25 08-36-42
Trix on Charlotte's doll bed
2019-05-25 08-36-47
Trix on Charlotte's doll bed
2019-05-25 08-36-49
Trix on Charlotte's doll bed