2019-12-28 06-15-55
Nicholas, Eddie & Rob ready to go to Jamboree
2019-12-28 06-15-43
Nicholas & Eddie ready to go to Jamboree
2019-12-29 13-45-58
All Scouts getting invested into the 22nd New Zealand Scout Jamboree Troop
2019-12-27 08-54-32
Dawn lying on Rachel
2019-12-31 12-01-53
Danger Noodles being flies on the wall
2019-12-30 08-03-57
Scouts on the water at Lake Karapiro
2019-12-30 07-53-43
Danger Noodles int he raft competition at Lake Karapiro
2019-12-30 10-25-21
Danger Noodles sailing at lake Karapiro
2019-12-30 07-51-10
Danger Noodles int he raft competition at Lake Karapiro
2019-12-30 13-31-20
Danger Noodles paddle boarding at Laye Karapiro
2019-12-31 14-40-11
Rob getting his fingernails painted by Kelly
2019-12-29 12-15-20
Getting ready for the opening ceremony
2019-12-29 13-44-44
All Scouts getting invested into the 22nd New Zealand Scout Jamboree Troop
2019-12-30 13-30-22
Danger Noodles paddle boarding at Laye Karapiro
2019-12-28 06-01-53
Rob & the boys heading off to Jamboree