2020-01-05 08-47-59
Making scones at the Putaruru sawmill museum
2020-01-05 09-26-06
Adding spreads to the scones made at the Putaruru sawmill museum
2005-01-02 20-54-06
Jamboree 2005
2020-01-03 11-12-29
Pluto patrol playing mini golf
2020-01-03 11-58-40
Pluto patrol firing paint ball guns
2020-01-06 07-53-24
Nicholas hiding in the inner tubes st Lake Karapiro
2020-01-06 08-48-56
Lambda patrol kayacking at Lake Karapiro during the 22nd New Zealand Jamboree
2005-01-03 08-22-35
Jamboree 2005
2020-01-05 08-33-56
Cheese making demonstration at the Putaruru sawmill museum
2020-01-05 09-48-58
Making bivys at the Putaruru sawmill museum
2007-12-28 16-11-07
Edward asleep on Rachel
2020-01-03 11-08-16
Pluto patrol firing paint ball guns
2005-01-02 20-53-03
Jamboree 2005
2005-01-03 08-25-05
Jamboree 2005
2007-12-26 07-36-39
Edward & Rachel on the ferry on the way to Jamboree