2002-04-01 12-16-06
Manakau guys receiving the Macho award
2002-04-01 12-16-09
Manakau guys receiving the Macho award
2002-04-01 12-17-08
Victoria Girls receiving the Nymph award
2002-04-01 12-17-14
Victoria Girls receiving the Nymph award
2002-04-01 12-18-00
Tobias Sampson receiving the fastest Rover award
2002-04-01 12-21-04
A West Bay Rover receiving the Helen Thomas memorial trophy
2002-04-01 12-22-47
Victoria receiving the Zulu shield
2002-04-01 12-27-45
Lowering of the country flags
2002-04-01 12-28-13
Lowering of the country flags
2002-04-01 12-28-24
Lowering of the country flags
2002-04-01 12-28-53
Lowering of the country flags
2002-04-01 12-30-11
Dave lowering the Moot flag
2002-04-01 12-31-12
Dave passes the Moot flay onto Dan Abernathy from the Rangatanae area
2003-04-17 16-20-18
Gumboot Moot