2017-04-17 12-42-54
Nicholas mowing Grandma's lawn with Dad's help
2010-12-31 17-44-27
Eddie the robot man
2010-12-31 17-48-03
Nic playbing inthe box
2013-12-31 12-43-16
Flowers on the table at Lynda's house
2008-02-28 17-39-06
Edward sniffing his flower
2013-12-31 12-43-33
Flowers on the table at Lynda's house
2016-01-02 08-44-55
Nicholas modeling his tie dyed shirt
2019-01-19 19-50-38
Charlotte playing in the mud at Nanna's house
2022-06-24 17-26-07.00
Trimming the Fejoa tra at Linda's
2002-12-26 05-45-28
Sunrise in Clive
2014-12-23 16-44-44
Cocoa on his bed
2014-12-23 16-44-59
Nicholas & Cocoa
2015-10-03 18-32-23
Lynda stoking her fire.
2018-06-02 13-04-01
Nicholas mowing Nana's lawn
2020-12-27 15-49-34
The Christmas tree at Nanna's after Charlotte decorated it